Most days, a little-known 19 th-century portrait of Abraham Lincoln by Solomon Nunes Carvalho (1815-1895) is tucked away in archival storage at Brandeis University’s Rose Art Museum. But on ...
ABRAHAM LINCOLN’S craggy, compassionate countenance ... The picture’s shadowy history was pieced together recently by Art Historian Katharine McCook Knox. A Chicago promoter commissioned ...
National Museum of American History Abraham Lincoln's Watch, around 1858 National Museum of African American History and Culture Photograph of James Brown, Civil War veteran, with a picture of Abraham ...
that this work would then become environmental art. I did not expect for that day to be this past weekend." Williams pointed out that the Abraham Lincoln wax figure had melted a second time ...
Major Acts In practical terms, the achievements of Abraham Lincoln are mammoth, yet simple to describe: he confronted the secession of the South and the dissolution of the Union with all the political ...