However, this role is not very well understood. Here we create a gel with polymerizing actin monomers which contains polystyrene beads. The gel is imaged over a set time period using brightfield ...
Latrunculin-A, an actin monomer-binding drug that renders the monomers incompetent for filament formation, was added to cells at a concentration of 0.5 μM, and the percentage of cells with actin ...
"But we found that the actin network actually serves as a modulator ... Quintanilla et al, Local monomer levels and established filaments potentiate non-muscle myosin 2 assembly, Journal of ...
Our preliminary data indicates that ECM stiffness modulates levels of actin monomer and Lamin-A within the nucleus. Our previous data also demonstrates a role of nuclear actin in the regulation of ...
This 'tip-track' mechanism of XMAP215 is similar to that of formins, which catalyse the addition of multiple actin monomers to the growing end of actin filaments. So, tip-tracking by a processive ...
Existing literature indicates that QDs interact spontaneously with intracellular proteins like G-actin, leading to the disruption of its function through alterations in the monomeric actin's ...