The NHS must stop asking for more money, Labour’s top health adviser has said. Alan Milburn, the former health secretary, ...
Breaking news: Health Secretary Alan Milburn has quit the cabinet - as Prime Minister Tony Blair began his long-awaited reshuffle. Mr Milburn told the Prime Minister on Monday that he wanted to ...
Health Secretary Alan Milburn faced the wrath of nurses yesterday after he refused to give a commitment to improving their pay. He looked distinctly uncomfortable at the annual conference of the ...
Health Secretary Alan Milburn has been accused of treating the public with "contempt" over plans to give more freedom to leading hospitals. More than 100 Labour MPs are set to rebel over his ...
Alan Milburn paved the way for big tax rises yesterday with a claim that extra spending has finally started to transform the NHS. Launching a campaign to 'soften up' voters for a tough Budget next ...
On the 75th anniversary of the publication of the Beveridge Report, Alan Milburn reflects on the "very British revolution" which led to the creation the welfare… Gordon Brown talks of placing power in ...
Didn't go to uni? The career 'brick wall' you face and how to beat it ...