A musical marathon at Bach Around the Clock, better patient healthcare at Augusta Health, Bridgewater College's jazz bands to ...
HENLEY Choral Society will sing Bach’s Mass in B Minor for its spring concert. A chorus of more than 100 singers, five ...
Elizabeth Field plays the violin as Kerry Heimann plays the harpsichord Tuesday, March 11, 2025, during the Bach at Noon ...
Director of Music and organist Adam Brakel will perform Bach’s Cantata 106 during the 10:30 a.m. service, and six works for a ...
His St. John Passion is 300 years old, and it invites its listeners to grapple with those exact topics. In fact, when Bach ...
Last May, as the final serene measures of the “Dona nobis pacem” sounded in St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Evanston, the ...
Also, the Allentown Symphony orchestra and chorus will present "Copland's Fanfare & Brahms," and The Kenny Rogers Band will ...
Music Worcester presents a Bach Birthday Bash weekend in Mechanics Hall March 21-23 to celebrate J.S. Bach's 340th birthday.
The acclaimed Portsmouth Baroque Choir and Consort of Twelve directed by Malcolm Keeler return to Fareham United Reformed ...
It will perform a concert for The Bach Choir of Bethlehem's gala at 4 p.m. on Saturday at Central Moravian Church, which is located at 73 W. Church St. Thomanerchor's young voices bring an ...