Healing is extremely strong in Deadlock, and Calico's self heal with Leaping Slash is one of the strongest in the game. While her primary fire isn't all too good with a small magazine size ...
Currently in its fledgling state, Deadlock’s slowly adding new characters to the game as developer Valve ... consistently sat in S-tier. Newcomer Calico has proven deadly, and Seven is ...
In October, Deadlock received an update that added six heroes to the game: Fathom, Wrecker, Viper, Calico, Holliday, and Wrecker. These characters are only available in Hero Labs, a new game mode ...
Deadlock has had an interesting journey through Early Access, but how will it move into the future and what can fans expect in ...
All the Deadlock characters are well designed, and have a rich lore behind them. Despite being an invite-only game, it has already started topping the Steam charts with hundreds of thousands of ...