"The oils and the resins that are in the trees make them just nearly explosive in the right conditions," said Rep. Dobrinski.
Oklahoma lawmakers advance a bill to eliminate invasive eastern red cedar trees, which exacerbate wildfires and drought ...
Rep. Mike dobrinski, (r)-okeene"this has grown over a 30 year period and it's gonna take us a whole lot of money and several ...
Certified Meteorologist Mike Grogan explains why the return of Red Cedar pollen season might be affecting your allergies.
We’re two weeks away from spring but allergy sufferers are already starting to feel it: the runny nose and watery eyes.
Keep up-to-date with everything that happens in your world. We promise to never spam you. You can opt-out at any time. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for ...
There is a new push at the capitol to do away with Eastern Red Cedar Trees and other invasive species. Rep. Mike Dobrinski (R-Okeene) passed a measure in the House that would expand a program to ...