Ferrie details six agronomic factors to keep in mind, if you’re new to growing continuous corn, that can help you achieve success this season.
When that corn crop comes up this spring, you want it to be green and stay green. One potential issue: if you’re using urea ...
ProFarm Group’s RinoTec Technology has received EPA registration approval as a novel biocontrol agent offering effective pest management.
The soil-borne stalk rots are those in which the pathogen survives in the soil (sometimes for several years) and infection starts in the root system. Infection of roots ... The top kill phase is ...
A corn plant knows how to find water in soil ... for that play an important role in helping the plant create a root system that is optimized for efficient water uptake," said José Dinneny ...
This study summarizes the current research status of the impacts of crop domestication and improvement on root characteristics and the structure and ...
Representative corn root anatomy image ... institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.