An curved arrow pointing right. Although this may be a foreign concept to many, eating insects is a common practice in many cultures. Insect meals could be a more environment-friendly protein ...
Thiong'o Gachie, a Laikipia farmer, is blending Black Soldier Fly (BSF) and cricket farming to promote sustainable agriculture Despite BSF's benefits in waste management, its resource-intensive ...
The Schubert family in Pyap, Riverland, South Australia is focusing on cricket farming as human food consumption because of its unusual protein and says its also a potential solution to drought.
Research says crickets contain more protein than beef and chicken. Cricket farming boosts food security and can be a good source of income. Rearing crickets is catching up even in limited spaces ...
Crossan started the cricket game six years ago. “The whole intention of the game is to get farmers and growers to down-tools and have a day away from the farm or orchard, get together with some ...