Marvel and DC Comics are making new crossover comics in 2025, so here are 15 match-ups and showdowns we'd love to see in Marvel/DC and DC/Marvel.
In the latest Line it is Drawn, our artists drew your suggestions for DC vs. Marvel matchups, only as MODOKs!!
Marvel and DC Comics have announced that they are going to start having crossovers again, and everyone is excited. Crossovers ...
DC has withdrawn its hand from gaming, and Marvel has taken over the void left behind; the latter seems to be doing really ...
Marvel and DC Comics have thousands of characters, and it can be hard to showcase all of them in monthly comics. However, ...
This first took the form of various one-shots in the 1970s and 80s pitting Spider-Man against Superman or the Teen Titans vs. the X-Men. In the late 90s there were DC Versus Marvel and the ...
The largest collaboration was the DC vs Marvel miniseries, which was published between February and May 1996. This culminated in the Amalgam Age series in which characters were literally fused ...
For almost a century now, DC and Marvel Comics have been the biggest names ... The first time this happened was back in 1976 with Superman vs. the Amazing Spider-Man, and then it continued off ...
For his part, Kirkman credits his own DC and Marvel fandom with inspiring Invincible’s murkier approach to the ...
Invincible draws inspiration from Marvel and DC superheroes, combining traits to create unique characters. Mark Greyson ...
World War V #7, where the son of Mister Miracle and Big Barda might save humanity... or is Granny Goodness pulling everyone's ...
DC x Sonic the Hedgehog is part of a larger collaboration between Warner Bros. and Sega. The companies are teaming for a ...