Efforts to help a genetically impoverished species may be the only chance for a stable population and the species' eventual removal from Endangered Species Act protections.
Elizabeth is currently at the National Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center in Colorado, which is also home to Noreen. Antonia, on the other side, resides in Virginia at the Smithsonian’s ...
The black-footed ferret could also be called the black-eyed ferret because of the distinctive “stick-em up” mask that adorns its face. The tan ferrets also have black markings on their feet ...
Black-footed ferrets, weasel-like animals with distinctive dark bands around their eyes and black feet, are ruthless little hunters. At night, they dive into burrows in pursuit of juicy prairie ...
The domestic ferret, though not as common a laboratory ... as chemical restraint can have complicating side-effects. For example, isoflurane anesthesia causes a rapid decrease in all hematological ...
DENVER — In northern Colorado, a dedicated team of workers is helping save an endangered species known as the black-footed ferret. Now, President Trump has fired some of the team at the National ...
Their paper, published in Nature Neuroscience, unveils patterns of cortical activity occurring in the ferret visual cortex before and after newly born pups first open their eyes. "The fundamental ...
POWELL — The first clone of a black-footed ferret, Elizabeth Anne, was an important step in addressing the endangered species’ impoverished genetics. Starting with access to genetic material ...
In the early 1900s, the United States was likely home to more than 5 million ferrets. But ferrets, which hunt prairie dogs for food and live in their burrows, were almost wiped out early in the 20th ...
Two black-footed ferret kits born to a cloned mother are healthy and happy at the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Va. The mother, Antonia, was cloned ...