Better real-time flood monitoring, new development rules and maintenance of waterways helped lead to break on premiums.
London is among the cities which could face more frequent and long-lasting droughts in future, research has found.
Pasco County is issuing a final notice to property owners in Special Flood Hazard Areas who sustained damage from Hurricanes ...
Starting this week, residents on Oahu will have an opportunity to submit feedback on updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs ...
The new fire hazard severity zone maps issued by Cal Fire this week are part of a two-month statewide rollout.
Admission is $20 and attendees are encouraged to bring art supplies to donate to children affected by recent flooding.
Bailey Richards, Hazard’s downtown coordinator, said this cleanup effort has been different from the historic July 2022 ...
Louisiana is the most likely place to find flood insurance, with 21% of its housing covered, followed by Florida, with 18%, ...
Regarding Oahu’s new flood map, the city says you can appeal if your property is placed in a high-risk zone and you have to get flood insurance because of that. Is hardship a grounds for appeal ?
“Flood Safety Awareness Week is our yearly reminder to put safety first and remember the functions and values of Vermont’s floodplains.” said DEC Commissioner Jason Batchelder. “These vital areas ...
Co-hosts Halfway to Hazard and three-time UFC Champion and UFC Hall of Fame member Rich ‘Ace’ Franklin will join WYMT’s Steve ...
Tune in todayto watch live as WYMT partners with the Foundation for Appalachia Kentucky and Concerts 4 A Cause to host the ...