But does a home-based education offer a leg up for kids in terms of scholastic advancement? It depends. Here's how educating at home stands up to public school for test results, GPA, college ...
Virtual Horizons Charter School is a new home-based virtual reality school that allows students to use VR headsets to attend ...
Additionally, families enrolled in home-based education services are given priority for child care vacancies if work or school requirements are met. Center-Based Child Care Early Head Start has a full ...
If families move their children to private or home-based education, fewer dollars remain for the 5.5 million students in the public system. Lawmakers on the left argue that wealthier Texans ...
The SSK is providing home-based education to 6,168 students across the State and virtual classes are also being arranged for them besides house visits, she said. State programme officer Sindhu S.S ...