Syrinx aruanus, the largest snail in the world, does not resemble the tiny snails we know from our gardens. Instead, Syrinx aruanus reaches nearly 3 feet long, and its shell is shaped like a trumpet .
Australia’s rabbits are a famous example, but perhaps less well-known are the Giant African land snails (Lissachatina fulica) that were introduced to South Pacific islands in the mid-20th century.
What is the Partula snail? Also known as the Polynesian tree snail or niho tree snail, the Partula snail (Partula nodosa) is actually one of several snail species of the genus—all of which are ...
Plus-size snail, Gee Geronimo, was the largest African land snail ever to be recorded. Measuring 39.3 cm from snout to tail, he entered the Guinness Book of World Records back in December 1978.
This land snail species, scientifically called Calybium ... it was explored and confirmed by the British Cave Research Association as the largest cave in the world. Since its discovery, Son ...