In spite of many political obstacles, four southeast Asian nations helped by 14 others under UN auspices are engaged in thorough advance planning for a historic experiment in river development ...
Sue Perkins embarks on a life-changing, 3,000-mile journey up the Mekong, South East Asia's greatest river, exploring lives and landscapes on the point of dramatic change.
CHIANG RAI, Thailand - Bean sprout farmer Orapin Waotikon describes life along the Mekong River as “throwing the dice”. At the crack of dawn every day, the 56-year-old woman heads to the river ...
Running the length of the mainly mountainous country is the mighty Mekong River, which floods rice fields, creates vital fish habitat, and serves as the main highway and water source. Villages ...
The Mekong Delta will disappear in the next several decades once Pak Beng Dam and another 10 planned hydropower dams are built on the Mekong River in Laos and Cambodia, Townships along the Mekong ...
Up and down the Mekong – known locally as ‘the river of life’ – Gordon explores ... and wants to ensure there’s a place for it on the global food map. Before his culinary calling ...
The China-backed Techo Funan Canal, which will connect the Mekong River to the country’s coast, has given rise to environmental and security concerns. The proposed Funan Techo Canal is set to ...