For as many years as I can remember I’ve heard the phrase “cash is king,” but I don’t believe that’s really telling the whole ...
But in this story, someone just wanted to use cash. The cashier wasn’t paying close enough attention, and when the customer ...
If you take out a 401 (k) loan, you’ll temporarily have fewer funds invested. In the case of withdrawals, the money will be ...
Dear Cindy: Merchant research groups have proven it over and again: Customers who shop with plastic spend about 30% more than ...
Given current inflation, it's critical your cash in the bank or uninvested at your broker is earning a good return. See our ...
Investopedia / Sabrina Jiang “Cash is king,” goes the old adage. However, does that philosophy ring true when buying a home? You may want to pay cash for your home if you're shopping in a ...
Although there are a few ways to pay your mortgage with a credit card, the risks and fees often outweigh the benefits.
A growing number of retailers are tacking on a fee if you choose to pay with credit – even in Massachusetts, where credit ...
Credit cards are a smarter financial tool than cash, allowing you to carry less in your wallet. The future is contactless payments using a smartphone, which you should be ready to use. There was a ...