Red tide has long plagued Florida beaches, bringing coughing, burning eyes and piles of dead fish. Scientists have been searching for a solution for decades, but progress has been elusive.
Red tide blooms are complex problems ... Current monitoring efforts rely on satellite images of chlorophyll concentrations and field samples such as those taken by FWC-FWRI.
Red tide is naturally present in the the Gulf of ... Monitoring efforts rely on satellite images of chlorophyll concentrations and field samples such as those taken by FWC and other partners.
Satellite imagery and water samples indicate that red tide is not currently affecting most beaches. Visitors can check official websites for the latest updates on beach conditions and red tide status.
A group of University of South Florida researchers have, for the first time, identified viruses present in the red tide blooms that periodically plague the Gulf coast. This can be used to possibly ...
It's that time of year when finding a spot at your favorite beach is a lot harder to find. It's spring break season! Is there any red tide reported?
Red tide can cause respiratory problems in humans, especially those with asthma or other respiratory conditions. It is safe to eat local fish and shrimp during red tide, as long as they appear healthy ...
However, whether you're a native Floridian or a seasoned visitor to the state's coasts, you know it only takes a visit from one unwanted visitor to ruin any beach day — red tide. Worried red ...