The Prairie Arts Center in North Platte has their Birds of the Midwest exhibit on display. Birds of the Midwest is an open ...
In the U.S. 42 species of birds have low and steeply declining populations that put them on the brink of disaster, scientists ...
Scientists checked in on species all over the country for the latest State of the Birds report. Nearly everywhere they looked, birds were struggling—including some that have been resilient in ...
The rare dancing grouse of the Southwest, called the lesser prairie chicken, is known for the males' elaborate calls and showy displays of reddish-orange air sacs while they perform mating dances on ...
She’s helping conduct the annual population survey of the Attwater’s prairie chicken, an extremely endangered species. At last count, there were only 180 of these birds left in the wild ...
Females have shorter pinnaes. HABITAT: Lesser prairie chickens occupy two primary ecosystem types: shinnery oak and sand sagebrush grasslands. These birds require large parcels of intact native ...
Eden Prairie’s ‘BirdScapes’ installation brings Minnesota’s diverse bird habitats to life through ceramic art and painting, ...