Torn from worship and reduced to spectacle, temple dance lost its sanctity to colonialism, reform, and exploitation.
Historically, the Mawlawiyya is halfway between prayer and dance. It is a ritual developed in Turkey by the poet Jalal Al-Din Al-Rumi in the 13th century in an attempt to develop his Sufi ...
Nowruz is a rite dating back to the 6th century BCE, marking the ushering in of spring and the new year. Variously known as ...
A Late Classic (A.D. 600–900) Maya vase from the Peten region of Guatemala portrays a king and queen (above, center) preparing to perform a ceremonial dance ... The ancient Maya, whose world ...
It didn’t all sit right with Udupa, who specializes in Bharatanatyam, an Indian dance style historically associated with ...