Let's face it, they hid so much in the "Deadpool ... Liefeld's Just Feet -- a not-so-subtle dig at Deadpool's co-creator Rob Liefeld, who has a reputation among the fans for being very bad ...
Captain America: Brave New World suffered a 68% drop at the box office in its 2nd weekend. Rob Liefeld publicly called for Kevin Feige to step down as head of Marvel Studios. Liefeld claims Feige ...
Liefeld has always been actively engaged with at least monitoring the Marvel Cinematic Universe from afar, and when he saw that Brave New World had taken a beating in its second weekend, he called ...
Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld has cut ties with Marvel after expressing disappointment with his alleged treatment at the premiere of the latest film. The artist and writer is the brains behind the ...
an angel who fights the forces of evil and finds herself face-to-face with demons and monsters. Rob Liefeld, best known for the Merc with a Mouth, a.k.a. Deadpool, co-created the character of ...
Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld has declared he has “cut ties in all ways” with Marvel after he and his family weren’t invited to Disney’s afterparty for last July’s “Deadpool ...