The temple was inundated too ... Dam construction on the lower Mekong is overseen, nominally, by the Mekong River Commission (MRC). Funded by international development agencies and by its four ...
Jane Phare reflects on the highlights of a 16-day trip to Cambodia and Vietnam, including eight days drifting down the Mekong ...
Life moves slower in Laos, but the pace is quickening and the ‘land of a million elephants’ is increasingly in the clutches ...
Up and down the Mekong – known locally as ‘the river of life’ – Gordon explores ... the saffron-clad Buddhist monks of the Baan Khon Temple. He’s also concerned about not receiving ...
CHIANG RAI, Thailand - Bean sprout farmer Orapin Waotikon describes life along the Mekong River as “throwing the dice”. At the crack of dawn every day, the 56-year-old woman heads to the river ...
HONOLULU (KHON2) — Mixed Plate continued its tour of Southeast Asia with a visit to one of Vietnam’s largest and possibly nosiest city. It’s a historical city few Americans can forget.