Health Minister Kamil Sasko (Voice-SD) doesn't like statements made by Government Proxy for Investigation into the COVID-19 Pandemic Management Peter Kotlar on mRNA vaccines against COVID-19, as they ...
Parliament passed a legislation on Thursday to change rules under which prosecutors receive their severance pay and after-service pension, with the prosecutor-general now eligible for a special ...
"The aim of this meeting is to have sportspeople make decisions about sportspeople. I'd like to be a trailblazer, whether it be regarding the legislation or distribution of money within the sports ...
A new health service telephone line will be created in Slovakia and will be operated under the Emergency Health Service Operational Centre, Parliament decided in a fast-tracked procedure on Thursday.
The Czech Republic is assisting Slovakia in foot-and-mouth disease-affected zones with a mobile livestock culling unit, said Czech Agriculture Minister Marek Vyborny in Brussels on Monday on the ...
Slovakia will prepare a detailed analysis of the damage caused by foot-and-mouth disease to submit to the European Commission in order to request compensation, said Slovak Agriculture Minister Richard ...
Foreign and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) on Monday left for Bulgaria, where he is set to meet several Bulgarian officials. Blanar's visit was initiated by Slovakia in an attempt ...
Foreign Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) met with Bulgarian representatives on Monday, highlighting the friendly and constructive dialogue based on the historical and cultural proximity of the ...
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I think that the upcoming parliamentary session will be a test of whether the majority in the House has been stabilised, President Peter Pellegrini told the media in Zvolen (Banska Bystrica region) on ...
The opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party has submitted 27 legislative drafts for the next regular parliamentary session due to start on Tuesday (March 25), PS caucus chair Martin Dubeci and its ...
The Specialised Criminal Court (STS) ruled at its non-public session on Monday that Juraj C. [name abbreviated due to legal reasons], who is accused in the case of the assassination attempt on Prime ...