The lost pension pot epidemic is set to “explode” in the coming years as the generational pension gap continues to widen, research from Raindrop has suggested ...
Eight in 10 (80 per cent) defined contribution (DC) scheme members would give up the flexibility of their savings for a higher income, while 78 per cent would do the same for a guaranteed retirement ...
Pension Scheme has completed a £25m full buy-in with Pension Insurance Corporation, securing the benefits of all 154 members, including 37 pensioners and 117 deferred members ...
The government's plans to lift restrictions on how defined benefit (DB) surplus funds can be invested could go much further than most in the industry initially thought, analysis of the plans by LCP ha ...
Pensions Age news editor, Sophie Smith, discusses the importance of initatives like Financial Planning Week, and the need for the industry to make sure that financial planning is as as accesible as po ...
Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) funds and their employers could see their contribution costs increase if they unnecessarily de-risk their investment strategies, Local Pensions Partnership Inves ...
Schroders has announced its commitment to running-on its defined benefit (DB) pension scheme and leveraging a portion of the surplus to fund its defined contribution (DC) commitments ...
The global market value of eight of the largest asset classes reached a record $246.8trn at the end of 2024, analysis from Ocorian has revealed ...
The Colthrop Board Mill Pension Scheme has completed a £23m buy-in with Aviva, securing the benefits of 69 deferred members and 152 pensioners ...
MPs have voted in favour to bring in a bill that would require the government address the findings of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s (PHSO) report on women’s historic state pension c ...
Industry organisations have broadly welcomed the news that the government is considering making legislative changes to give the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) more flexibility to reduce its levy, highl ...
The gap between the best and worst-paying annuities has “spiked” in recent weeks, reflecting the rise in bond yields, analysis by Just Group has revealed ...