COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) - The College Station Police Department (CSPD) has a new K9: A belgian malinois who will be two years old this May. Garo joins CSPD as Officer Benjamin Tindel’s partner ...
Anita Kadar said she was out of town when her pet sitter allowed Kutya, her Belgian shepherd, out to the fenced backyard of ...
The Asheville Police Department is investigating a deadly crash that happened Saturday afternoon in south Asheville, ...
The Steamboat Springs Police Department received its first-ever K-9 last week as part of an effort to “fight drugs,” ...
Belgium's once pastoral pastime of pigeon racing has come to this: drones swoop over lofts where valuable pigeons are housed ...
Police dogs need to possess specific qualities, which they refine through years of ongoing training and a specially-tailored ...
Israeli police raided two branches of a landmark bookstore in east Jerusalem on Sunday night, confiscating several dozen ...