Researchers at McMaster University have started a phase-2 clinical trial on a next-generation, inhaled COVID-19 vaccine.
IMDEA Networks forma parte de MultiX, un proyecto científico europeo en el que participan 17 centros de investigación y empresas tecnológicas de 7 ...
IMDEA Networks is part of MultiX, a European scientific project involving 17 research centers and technology companies from 7 countries coordinated ...
Pilar Baldominos, PhD from the Universitat Politècnica de València, who was inspired by Star Wars to fight cancer, has ...
A groundbreaking study has uncovered a fascinating connection between the circadian rhythms of tea plants and the microbial ...
The new Horizon Europe project, AGRI4POL, aims to assist the transition of agriculture from being a pressure on pollinators ...
A Strategic Guide to Transforming Agri-Food Waste into Sustainable Opportunities ...
AI models often rely on “spurious correlations,” making decisions based on unimportant and potentially misleading information. Researchers have now ...
A new study uncovered an association between exposure to chemicals commonly used in firefighting and glioma risk, reinforcing ...
With the help of the world's most powerful X-ray laser, European XFEL, a research team led by Goethe University Frankfurt and the research centre ...
A team of researchers has unveiled a revolutionary ingestible bioimpedance sensing device capable of continuously and non-invasively monitoring the ...
Mit Hilfe des weltweit leistungsstärksten Röntgenlasers European XFEL gelingt einem Forschungsteam unter Leitung der ...