This article was published in June 2022 and describes the change from using the legacy developed and developing regions categorization to the World Bank's income groups. For more recent updates please ...
The UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award honours individuals, groups and organizations who go above and beyond the call of duty to protect refugees, displaced and stateless people. Established in 1954, the ...
Please help refugees in need.
Please help refugees in need.
Please help refugees in need.
Ankara, Türkiye - BM Mülteciler Yüksek Komiseri Filippo Grandi, dünyada en fazla sayıda mülteciye ev sahipliÄŸi yapan ülkelerden biri olan Türkiye'ye gerçekleÅŸtirdiÄŸi iki günlük ziyareti tamamlarken, ...
Am Montag schloss UN-Flüchtlingshochkommissar Filippo Grandi seinen Besuch in Syrien mit einem eindringlichen Appell an die internationale Gemeinschaft ab. Er rief dazu auf, den Syrerinnen und Syrern ...
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency has donated a state-of-the-art CT Scan machine to the Institute of Kidney Diseases (IKD) in Peshawar – bringing relief for patients in the city. The hospital was in need ...
Seybata sits cross-legged on a worn blue mat in a sun-dappled compound in Harobanda, a neighbourhood in Niger’s capital, Niamey. Her hands deftly stitch a large calico cloth, which she and a friend ...
Calais, France, 27 janvier 2025. Le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) en France a dévoilé les résultats d’une enquête récente réalisée à Calais pour mieux comprendre les ...
Laut dem kürzlich veröffentlichte UNHCR-Bericht „2024 Impact Report: Response to New Emergencies and Protracted Crises“ (auf Deutsch etwa „Wirkungsbericht 2024. Hilfsmaßnahmen in neuen und langandauer ...
UNHCR, das Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen, ist wegen neuer Gewalt zutiefst besorgt um den Schutz von Zivilisten und Binnenvertriebenen im Osten der DR Kongo. Die Konflikte in den Provinze ...