Reloading 44 Mag. and 44 Spl. - Handgun Forum
Nov 30, 2012 · I'm a reloader (expert?) now approaching the 44 Rem. Mag. and the 44 Special reload, to use those ammo in a Ruger Alaskan 2.5 inchs barrel. The matter is that I thought to drill and carry the 44 Rem.Mag., and to play (and/or) carry the 44 Spl. 1. May I use the same dies to reload 44 Rem.Mag. and 44 Spl. at the same? 2.
One-Hand Shooting Drill. Smith & Wesson 44 Magnum Learn a
Practice these one-arm shooting drills to be more confident if you are ever faced in a perilous situation where you must shoot with either your dominant hand or support hand. Strike hold! DB...
44 Mag Magnetic Drill - Premium Tool & Abrasives
With a powerful 10 Amp motor, the 44 Mag makes quick work of making holes. Rated for holes up to 1-3/8″. Features a 3/4″ Weldon shank that fits Ultra-Kut™ annular cutters and other popular brands. Comes with 1/2″ drill chuck for use with twist drills up to 5/16″.
Favorite 44 mag load? | Nosler Reloading Forum
Jun 22, 2014 · IMR4227 is not a powder you can use for down loading the 44 mag. My Hodgdon manual only list one load for 240 cast and it is the max 22 grs that is a compressed load. On average my manuals list 21 grs IMR4227 as a starting load for 240 jacketed bullets.
.44 Magnum Reloading Information - Handguns
Apr 27, 2016 · On the scene for nearly 50 years, the .44 Magnum is one of the most versatile revolver rounds; here's some best practice reloading data. The author's favorite guns for the .44 Magnum are Smith & Wesson Model 29s of various vintages. However, he doesn't feed them the heavyweights, only loads up to 240s at 1,300 fps max. Hotter loads go into Rugers.
325gr. & 44 Magnum - Shooters Forum
May 27, 2012 · I recently noticed that John Linebaugh does not recommend anything over 320gr. for the 44 Magnum. I have never previously used bullets over 240grs. What do you think? I need advice for loads with either H-110 or Unique for use as large game bullets (up to elk).
.44 Mag Shotshells - Hunt Talk
Oct 3, 2009 · The rim of those rifle cases is a larger diameter and sometimes thicker than the rim of .44 mag cases, so I used a metal file and an electric drill to trim the rifle case rims down to the .44 mag case dimentions.
Making .44 AMP brass - Cast Boolits
May 16, 2021 · This can also be done with a drill, but low speed and cutting fluid should be used or the reamer will quickly become useless. I don't have a drill with a slow speed, so I do mine manually: 4.
Making .44 Automag brass from 308 cases | 1911Forum
May 15, 2021 · 3. Reaming by hand. This can also be done with a drill, but low speed and cutting fluid should be used or the reamer will quickly become useless:
"Slow & Easy" .44 Magnum - American Handgunner
Velocities from 750 to 850 fps means fun, accurate shooting in the .44 Magnum. Assembling target loads for the .44 Magnum is as easy as it comes. Nothing changes except the powder charge. I still full-length size all the brass, I still crimp the same way.
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