Leylines Map - All about ley lines | maps.leylines.net
leylines.net documents, researches and archives ley lines and places of high energy and tries to find a global network that connects local ley lines to a large energy network.
The Leylines Map - About
The Leylines Map is a website for map-based access to spatial data all about leylines and related information. The site was completely redesigned and converted to a new framework. Not all catalog entries are available yet, i will add them piece by piece.
Ley Line Locator | Ley Love Down
Use the map to locate ley lines in your area. Simply zoom in and out and use the hand tool to move the map. Haven't found a ley line near you? Don't give up, our community is constantly growing and more ley lines are being discovered.
Ley line - Wikipedia
Ley lines (/ leɪˈlaɪnz /) are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures, prehistoric sites and prominent landmarks. The idea was developed in early 20th-century Europe, with ley line believers arguing that these alignments were recognised by ancient societies that deliberately erected structures along them.
Ley line from Kura Tawhiti to Uluru circles around the globe linking sites of great antiquity. Take a line from Castle Hill and aim it at the nearest known landscape temple. In this case, Uluru, -or
The Secret Land - Gary Cook, Sacred Sites in New Zealand
An explorer of ancient sacred places and energy sites in the unique New Zealand landscape, Gary has devoted many years of searching and writing of the wonders to be found within the islands of New Zealand and the South Pacific.
The Leylines Map - Help & FAQ
How to get started with the Leylines Map. To launch the Leylines Map and display some basic data follow these steps. Display the Leylines Map by using the URL https://maps.leylines.net. In the left hand panel click the Add Data button to launch the Data Catalogue. Browse through the Data Catalogue to find a data set of interest.
Map Ley Lines Using Google Earth - Vortex Maps
Viewing and Hiding Lines You can view the UVG Grid in many ways. If you click on the little triangle next to a file or folder name, and a dropdown menu appears.
Ley Lines: Understanding the Hidden Streams of Energy in Your ...
Ley lines on a local level radiate from places of worship, town halls, governments or palaces into the community to communicate messages from the ‘powers that be’ to the unsuspecting townsfolk. The most famous local ley line is the St. Michael Ley in England.
Ley Lines - DQWiki - dq-nz.org
Ley Lines are straight lines of force underground that may be from just a few to many miles in length and connect places of power and high mana zones. Many ancient portals are built to work along ley lines.