Polar Explorer Icebreaker - Icebreaker Cruise in Lapland
Polar Explorer tourist Icebreaker offers 3 hours cruise in the frozen water of Bothnian sea in Lapland. During 3 hours you will be a witness of a massive ice breaking power of the vessel, have a guided tour all the way down to the engine rooms and all way up to Captain’s bridge.
Polar Explorer Icebreaker - 拉普兰的破冰船巡游
Polar Explorer 游客 Icebreaker 在拉普兰的波的尼亚海结冰的海水中提供 3 小时的巡航。 在 3 小时内,您将见证这艘船的巨大 破冰能力,并在导游的带领下一路下到机舱,一直到船长桥。
Esperienza di crociera rompighiaccio - Polar Explorer Icebreaker
Polar Explorer tourist Icebreaker offre 3 ore di crociera nelle acque ghiacciate del mare di Botnia in Lapponia. Durante 3 ore sarai testimone dell'enorme potenza di rottura del ghiaccio della nave, farai una visita guidata fino alle sale macchine e fino al ponte del Capitano.
Polar Explorer Icebreaker guided tour Introduction
We are pleased to host you on the Polar Explorer icebreaker cruise and invite you to explore the 7 decks of this unique ship tour that will take you all the way down to the machine room and up to the captain’s bridge.
The story of Polar Explorer - Polar Explorer Icebreaker
Sep 25, 2022 · Our Polar Explorer was built in Hamburg, Germany in 1976 and used to work as an anchor-handling tug and supply vessel. One of the peculiarities about our Polar Explorer is that it is a multifunctional icebreaker, which means it can navigate even in open waters.
How to get to the icebreaker - Polar Explorer Icebreaker
Discover the journey to the Polar Explorer Icebreaker with our guide. Learn whether to opt for the convenient shuttle bus or embark on your adventure with your own transportation. Plan your arctic adventure today!
Booking - Polar Explorer Icebreaker
In case our icebreaker cruise is cancelled due to weather conditions or lack of passengers, you will be offered an alternative cruise date or time. If none of the alternative options fit you, you will get a full refund.
Polar Explorer Icebreaker - Icebreaker Cruise i Lappland
Polar Explorer Tourist Icebreaker erbjuder 3 timmars kryssning i det frusna vattnet i Bottenhavet i Lappland. Under 3 timmar kommer du att vara ett vittne till en massiv isbrytande kraft av fartyget, få en guidad tur hela vägen ner till maskinrummen och hela vägen upp till kaptenens brygga.
Polar Explorer Icebreaker - Eisbrecher-Kreuzfahrt in Lappland
Polar Explorer Tourist Icebreaker bietet eine 3-stündige Kreuzfahrt im gefrorenen Wasser des Bottnischen Meeres in Lappland an. Während 3 Stunden werden Sie Zeuge einer gewaltigen Eisbrechkraft des Schiffes, haben eine geführte Tour bis hinunter zu den Maschinenräumen und bis hinauf zur Kapitänsbrücke.
Arctic Explorer - Polar Explorer Icebreaker
Icebreaker cruise in Swedish Lapland from December to March. Join Arctic Explorer to make route for the ships through the frozen sea in Piteå.