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- Doris Speed
Actress - Doris Speed
This Is Your Life - Barbara
Knox - Pat
Phoenix - Betty
Driver - Julie
Goodyear - Doris Speed
Coronation Street - Thelma
Barlow - Annie
Walker - Jack
Howarth - Speed
Increasing Handpieces - Movies with
Doris Roberts - Coronation
Street 1971 - Coronation
Street 1978 - Doris
Day Hair - Itadori
Speed - Coronation
Street 1979 - Doris
Roberts TV Land - Coronation
Street 1965 - Betty Driver
Wikipedia - Watch the Road to Coronation
Street Online - Coronation Street
Elsie Tanner - Coronation Street
DVD Box Set - Coronation
Street Lewis - Windsurfer Speed
Sailing the Ray Chalkwell - Coronation Street Female
Characters - The Magic of Coronation
Street - Coronation Street
Dennis Tanner
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