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- Gene Hatcher
Fights - Johnny
Bumphus - WBA
Boxing - Tennessee Fainting
Goat - Aaron
Davis - Gene Hatcher
Boxing - Frankie Warren
Boxer - Nolan Ryan Robin
Ventura - Gene Hatcher
Boxer - Donald Curry
Bruce Curry - The Legends
of Boxing - Nolan Ryan Cattle
Ranch - Ken Griffey Jr Donruss
Rookie Card - Boxer Dogs Looking
for a Home - Boxing
1987 - Duke Fainting
Goats - Lloyd Honeyghan
Fights - Bramble
Mancini - Biggest Fights in
Sports History - Nolan Ryan
Movie - Earth Final Conflict
TV Series - Small Fainting
Goats - Rocky Marciano
Mike Tyson - Nolan Ryan Robin
Venture Fight
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